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Welcome to the City of Edgewood 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update Survey #3 – TRANSPORTATION.

This survey is open through May 12, 2024. This survey will take about 20 minutes to complete.

The Comprehensive Plan is the 20-year framework for local policy, planning, and capital facility investment through the year 2044. The City of Edgewood would like the community's input when creating the newest plan and seeks to understand current community characteristics to focus our efforts. You can learn more about the Comprehensive Plan and this update here, including the results of the first survey titled “Community Preferences” and the second survey which addressed Land Use and Housing topics.

Please note: Surveys focus on items of interest to the community that may or may not have been recently reviewed. Information from this survey is collected by AHBL (Planning Consultant) and will be provided to the city thus all responses are subject to disclosure pursuant to RCW 42.56.

Interested in specific information concerning the City’s recent Meridian Ave E Corridor study? There is information posted to the City’s website at

Note: It is possible that some of this information could relate to Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) facilities and/ or projects. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requires the WSDOT to be sure that everyone in an affected project area has a chance to be heard and to respond to transportation programs and activities that may affect their community. For further information regarding this process please contact the Title VI Coordinator by phone at 360-705-7090.You can also click here: to view the Title VI Notice to the public.