Comprehensive Plans set the goals and policies that serve as the day-to-day guide for City staff and representatives, including City Council and the Mayor.

The State's Growth Management Act sets forth a requirement for the City to prepare an update to its plan, which will over the twenty-year period between 2024 and 2044.

Growth Management

The concept of “growth management” is central to city planning in Washington State. The Growth Management Act (GMA) is a series of state statutes, first adopted in 1990, focused on managing population growth throughout Washington. The Growth Management Act requires cities and counties to update their own Comprehensive Plans to stay current on population growth and other key concerns. This means that cities have a say in how they want to plan for their future.

The Comprehensive Plan covers important topics like housing, transportation, parks and recreation, capital facilities, utilities, land use and zoning, economic development, and the environment. The update process looks closely at these topics to make sure that Edgewood continues to grow in line with the community’s vision.

The backbone of every Comprehensive Plan is community input. Through the public engagement process, people help shape the future of the city by voicing what is important to them. If you would like to receive e-mail updates on this update, please contact the Community & Economic Development Department at 253-952-3299 or email

About Edgewood

Learn More about the City: Demographic Information

Census Data about Edgewood: Census Quick Facts | Edgewood

Washington State Office of Financial Management (OFM) data: OFM - Washington Population and Demographic Data

View Online Mapping: Geographical Information System (GIS) for Edgewood

See projects of interest, view Commercial Property Listings, investigate environmental data, check zoning district boundaries....and more! Web GIS Mapping

Review the Rules: Development Regulations (City Codes)

Title 14 Critical Areas

Title 16 Subdivisions

Title 17 Planning and Development

Title 18 Development Standards

Planning in Edgewood

Let's Start at the Beginning: The Planning Process

Learn more about the periodic update process from the links provided below.

What's Been Written Down? Previous Edgewood Plans, Studies and Reports

View previous City Plans , Studies and Reports which are compiled on the City's Website:

The most recently adopted (and amended) Comprehensive Plan is available in two parts:

Learn More about the City: Demographic Information

Census Data about Edgewood:

Washington State Office of Financial Management (OFM) data:

View Online Mapping: Geographical Information System (GIS) for Edgewood

See projects of interest, view Commercial Property Listings, investigate environmental data, check zoning district boundaries....and more!