The City of Orting is in the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan and would like the community's input throughout the process.
Comprehensive Plan Overview
The Comprehensive Plan is a document adopted by City Council used to guide development in Orting for the next 20 years. The intent of the Comprehensive Plan is to serve as a guidebook for the City for providing services, facilities, and amenities to accommodate projected residential and economic growth. Updating the Comprehensive Plan allows for it to better reflect the current vision of the City and residents as well as ensuring compliance with new regulatory guidance.
The updated document will contain:
- A vision describing how the community will look, feel, and function in the year 2044
- Goals and policies with strategies for achieving the vision
Topics will include the following:
- Land Use
- Housing
- Transportation
- Economic Development
- Capital Facilities
- Utilities
- Natural Environment
The Comprehensive Plan is the 20-year framework for local policy, planning, and capital facility investment through the year 2044.
The Comprehensive Plan is used to coordinate different plans, ordinances, and codes on topics such as:
Periodic updates are required every ten years per the statewide Growth Management Act to ensure the Plan complies with current laws, regional policies, and local conditions.
With guidance from the Department of Commerce on the Growth Management Act (GMA) and Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC), the Comprehensive Plan is required to meet a variety of different requirements.
The project team will engage the community to develop a vision based on community goals and state and regional requirements. A draft plan will be developed, and public meetings will be held to collect public comments.
The Planning Commission will forward a recommendation to the City Council, who approves the final plan.
The people who are most affected by Orting’s Comprehensive Plan are the people who live, work, and spend time in Orting. Your experiences, needs, and aspirations are important factors for the City to consider as we plan for future growth and development. This periodic update is an opportunity for your voice to impact how Orting continues to develop over the next 20 years.
This list will be updated through the process.
If you would like to view the city's existing Comprehensive Plan (or old versions) or see information about the City's Planning Commission, please visit the City's website at
Document Library
Project Introduction Materials
Presentation - Project IntroductionPDF (3.01 MB)
Briefing provided to the Planning Commission on August 7, 2023
Memo - Legislative ChangesPDF (303.49 KB)
Memo summarizing the 2023 legislative changes to the Growth Management Act (GMA) that are applicable to Orting.
Materials from the June 2024 Planning Commission Meeting
Community Engagement Results
The City of Orting is using many methods to obtain the community's input while updating the Comprehensive Plan.
A survey was conducted on October 3, 2023 and was open for approximately 1 month, until November 6, 2023. The survey received 74 total responses, and survey results can be seen below.
- The survey was tailored to focus on items of interest to the City that had not have been recently reviewed (this means there weren't many questions on things like Parks because the Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan was updated in 2022).
- The survey was not based on sampling and therefore the results are not statistically valid.
Get Involved
Information on future events for community input opportunities (such as an open house, workshops, or other public meetings) will be posted here once available.
Process and Timeline Overview:
August 9, 2024: Open House at the Farmers Market
September 9 - 23, 2024: SEPA public comment period
October 7, 2024: Public Hearing
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